
We are a Branch of the British Cactus and Succulent Society.


Early History

In 2017 Manchester Branch reaches it’s 70th Anniversary, starting out as the Lancashire Branch of the old National Cactus and Succulent Society (NCSS) in December 1946 –  the first proper meeting being was in Feburary 1947.  In those days Manchester Council had an absolutely splendid greenhouse situated in Alexandra Park, which is just out of the city centre, which housed the magnificent collection of cacti and succulents donated by the widow of Charles Darrah in 1903.  It was at this very venue that a group of enthusiasts decided to emulate the step taken by Bradford Branch, to form a branch where people of like minded interest could discuss, exchange information and plants and generally enjoy one another’s company.

Both Branch and Society flourished and at its height in the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s the Branch had over 100 members and the Society reached 5000 members mainly national but with a fair representation from overseas.

Although the Branch is smaller these days the membership is still very keen for the most part.  We try to provide an interesting programme each year to help all members enjoy the hobby.




The Manchester Branch today

There is a meeting every month on the second Saturday at 7.45pm which lasts till about 10pm.  We make a charge of £2 on entry which entitles you to a raffle ticket and refreshments in addition to the talk/exhibition.

Our speakers usually show slides, though some bring actual plants to talk about and hand round for people to peruse.  There are often plants on sale at very reasonable prices and an ‘Interest Table’ is set up every month for people to display their plants for others to enjoy, or have them identified, or to provide a theme maybe connected with the speakers talk.

In addition to these talks each month we also provide other points of interest.  Local Branches offer Open Days for members to visit and there will always be someone willing to offer transport to these events.  We have such a day in Manchester every two years and this is the year.

Every Spring there is a Cactus Mart where cactus and succulent nurseries bring plants for sale.

We have two mini shows a year, in May and August, which the members actually judge showing their personal preferences amongst the plants on display.  In October we host the North West Mesemb Show. This has been held in Middleton since 2007, after moving from the Northwich venue.

Nobody in the Branch claims to be a specialist  but we all have experience which we gladly pass on  to those who need it.

We are a friendly bunch and invite you to come along and savour the atmosphere.  You do not have to join the Society in order to see what it’s like.  Come along and see and if you feel ‘this is for me’  then you will be welcome to join.  For further details see the “Contact Us” section.



The British Cactus and Succulent Society

At the beginning of 1983 the two existing cactus societies merged to form one Society to deal with the needs of cactophiles all over the country.

The National Cactus and Succulent Society (NCSS) merged with the Cactus and Succulent Society of Great Britain (CSSGB) to form the British Cactus and Succulent Society (BCSS) and that is the situation to this day.

Membership of the Society costs £15 per annum (less for Associates, Senior Citizens and Juniors) which entitles you to be a member of a nearby branch, provides you with 4 journals about a variety of cactus and succulent matters annually but most of all enables you to meet many like minded individuals.